Just because....

When last did you do something nice for someone just because? I hear you ask 'what on earth does just because mean'? It means for no reason at all!

I got a lovely package from a friend I have not seen in over 15years. She sent me an email a few days ago asking for my postal address and today I got home and the package she sent had arrived. The package contained over 10 CD's of praise songs in my native language- Yoruba! I had forgotten how sweet praise songs to God in Yoruba sound and even as I write I have my earphones on listening to the wonderful tracks!

Her act of kindness touched me greatly and I wonder why she remembered me and sent me the package, all I know is that the CD's arrived at a very apt time. Listening to the songs I am reminded that God delights in the praises of His people and wants us at all times to praise Him!

Listening to the praise songs,I can not help but sing along and have danced in the privacy of my room:) to the very danceable songs (even a stiffy like me knows how to dig it)! Right now all the things I have spent my valuable time worrying about seem so mundane as they should be.

Thank you so much Toyin for your kindness, it's touched me more than you will ever know! I enjoin everyone to perform a 'JUST BECAUSE' deed and surprise and bless someone who is not expecting it and cannot reward you! A caveat here, JUST BECAUSE deeds are not gifts given to curry favor or rise a notch in someone else's estimation, they are the silent deeds that bring a smile to the face of someone who least expects it!


  1. Wow, what a sweet surprise for you!

    Your last sentence says it all. I received a message on facebook from a friend (the one who had already sent me a book 'just because'), asking for my address again because she wanted to send me a cd. This is a friend I met online and have never met in person!

    When I think of how blessed I feel when I receive a lovely gift out of the blue, it makes me want to do the same for someone else.

  2. It was a lovely surprise and Im currently thinking seriously of who I should surprise with a gift! Certainly spurs you to do the same or more!

  3. Suprise me!!!!!!!!!!! lol!~

    Nice post and its inspiring me to look for someone to bless, just because...

    God bless

  4. that was really sweet....thankful for true friends

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 'Tomi, u're very welcome. Really, Oluwa lo seun ju :) He i.e. God reminded me in my dream to send them to you :) I originally intended to but when I got to it, could not find you on FB. After the dream, I reached out to ‘Ty! (Thanks ‘Ty!!) for an alternate means of reaching you :) So you see that you are very special to Him i.e God. I woke up from that dream saying: God loves 'Tomi and acknowledged that He loves me too! :)
    P.S. Soo glad you are enjoying them. I too am blessed, cheered and inspired by them :=)
    Like the famous saying goes: When praises go up, blessings come down! :)
    Enjoy dearie, God bless u much!! :)

  7. @Ty any gift for you violates the JUST BECAUSE rule:) Maybe on our birthday:))
    @Neefemi Me too!
    @Toyinolaoye- its a really welcome reminder that God loves me,being human I forget that time and time again, but He ever tires of reminding us! Thanks!


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