An excellent model of healthcare!

My dreams of sustainable, affordable and quality healthcare for those who can least afford it are not just dreams, they have been tried and tested and put to good use in many areas of the world. My brother-in-law sent me this video, it is just one example of such a model.

What I particularly like about the video is that everything is locally sourced. I am not a fan of health camps run by well meaning and good intentioned people who live great jobs and careers to come to work in a developing country for a couple of weeks and jet back to their 'lives' without seeing the outcome of their good works, leaving less able health care workers deal with complications that will arise! I am all for ideas arising from within, development of local capacity,community ownership and community participation.

Another thing that struck me is the huge chasm between the costs of running the same outfit in the UK and in India. Many things are responsible for that but the underlying factor is 'greed'! Why should an Intraocular lens cost $100 when it can cost $2? So someone can make a handsome profit and own ten houses when he can only afford to live in one, or live in one house with ten rooms when he can only spend a night in one room.#gofigure

What warms my heart is that so many people who can least afford it are able to receive sight restoration. It may be a Robin Hood approach but the main thing is that everyone gets what they want at the end of the day and so much good is accomplished. I am encouraged, dreams (specifically mine) will come true!

*Click on the link to watch!


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Wow! I had NO idea this was your dream, Tomi. Oh girl I love you anew!!


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